Saturday, March 22, 2008

Woodstock Egg Drop: Brief Update

-I can't thank all of our volunteers enough. You rock! Today was an absolutely amazing day and as we expected the biggest thing embassy has ever been a part of.

-1200 family registration cards filled out. Many with multiple children. We ran out of cards quickly and hundreds of children didn't get registered, but they still were able to be a part of everything.

-Our best estimate until we take everything into consideration was about 5,000 people. That's more than twice the amount of people we anticipated!

-That's insane! The problem was...that's insane! We never thought we would have that many at a first year event. We had some logistical errors, but on a whole the kids had a blast.

-Next year we will have tens' of thousands of more eggs. Our nearly 11,000 eggs was no way nearly enough. For that I apologize. Next year we will fix our errors. Woodstock we can't wait until The Woodstock Egg Drop 09 when we bring it to you on a whole new level.

-The Jaycees have been awesome to partner with on this event. Thanks Woodstock Jaycees.

-Finally pray for the many that will come to the embassy tomorrow from this event. We are going to have a great Easter Sunday! See ya in the morning at 10:02am!

1 comment:

DonnaFayeCaudill said...

Ross, God is SO good. I know you are where God wants you to be and doing what he wants you to do. It's evident in the response of the community. Be blessed today and know I am praying for you.