Sunday, March 02, 2008

Sunday Remix 3-02-08

-The doctor said I needed to get up and about so I decided to drop into the greatest church around! I went to the embassy today. I was so proud to see how well things go when I'm gone.

-Mary and the worship band did an amazing job and the presence of the Lord in the service was palpable. It was also great having Celeste play keys today for the first time at emc.

-Jared our worship pastor transitioned so smoothly into lead teacher for the day that it makes me a little nervous about my job security. No really you did a great job bringing God's word today. Thanks Jared!

-All of you emc-ers just make me so proud. I love you and am so glad we are all getting to do life together at the embassy. We have an amazing future as God continues to do great things in and through you at emc.

-From 4:45-6:15 I was at the doctors office. He sucked, scraped, and pulled all sorts of things out of my sinuses. Oh My Gosh! Imagine the dentist office, but instead of your mouth they're doing all the stuff to your nose and sinus membranes. I thought I was going to die. Oh well...I can already breathe better than I can ever remember.
Please pray for my quick recovery. Easter is coming soon and we have too much going on for me to slow down. I will take it easy the next 2-3 days, but then It's back in the fast lane.

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