Monday, October 23, 2006

Great Time Had By All

Well the family reunion was really nice. Amie saw people she had only seen once in her life and our kids met cousins they never knew they had. Amie's Grandma Vonnie is from the Lewis family of Calhoun, GA. Amie's second cousin lives on 500 acres of land that was absolutely beautiful. It was great to see livestock...don't see much of that around Metro Atlanta.

I can't remember all the names of the people we met, but her cousin Donna was such a sweetie and we look forward to knowing them better. She invited us up anytime and I do believe we'll take her up on that invitation. Amie's other cousin Marie and her husband Chuck were great too as they showed us around their place a few miles from Donna's.

We found out that Amie has a cousin named John that lives in the North West Cherokee County. He serves as an officer in the Canton Police force. We can't wait to get him down for dinner. What a great guy.

Another thing to note about the day is that Amie comes from a long line of beautiful women. I've always known her grandmother and mom were fine looking women and to be at the reunion we saw that was a trait that runs clean through all branches of the Lewis tree. Now if you're one of the men in the family I am sorry to say........ya'll ugly. Just kiddin' What a fine family you all are, and thanks for making us feel right at home.

Friday, October 20, 2006

They're Here

The in laws have arrived. Amie's mom, dad, g-ma, and bro have all come for the weekend. Who knew her grandmother's people are from Calhoun, GA so on Saturday we have a Family reunion. I told the girls if there are any cute boys to remember they are your cousins and this is Georgia not Alabama. Ha! No thank God my girls are years away from dating, but I couldn't resist a family reunion joke. Well anyhoo we're lookin' forward to meeting family we never knew we had. Especially that they are so close seeing that we moved 650 miles from home.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

K2 Group Connect Big Success!

Two weeks ago we launched our K2 series. This past week we looked at how God has "Kreated us 2 Connect". We examined the subject of relationships and encouraged each other to evaluate which relationships in our lives need nurtured, restored, severed, and initiated. We took a bit of a risk, but I think it paid off. Instead of having worship we began the service with a greeting, went right into a video roll-in for the teaching, and then I spoke. we have done this before and flipped worship to the end of the experience. This time we dismissed everyone to the foyer to connect with the the Journey Group of their choice. For many this will be the first time they have initiated this type of relationship.

The past couple of weeks we promo-ed the event, but didn't tell people it would actually be a part of the service. By the looks of everything we had a great day and a definite win as many of our new emc-ers began to connect with others in this setting. We tried this approach because we wanted to communicate how important we feel it is to journey through life with others.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

New Series

This Sunday we will introduce our new series. Then the next 5 weeks we will look at 5 trail markers that will help guide you in your ascent to gain a better view of what the purpose of life is all about. One thing that excites me about this series is, it's tie into the Journey Groups. For the five weeks of this series all the Journey Groups will be discussing the same topics weekly further instilling the trail marker of the week.
Come be a part of the expedition and begin your ascent this week.

Mom's OK

Thanks for the concern and prayer regarding my mother. She found out that she has osteoporosis and a few other things that are causing her pain. She is doing better and again thanks for the concern.