Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Remix 9-28-08

-After two months of anticipation today finally arrived. What a day!

-Ever since we started Embassy Metro Church we have seen people's lives changed through a relationship with Christ. In turn, Christ through their lives has changed the lives of others. At the Embassy we often say we are “with you on the journey”. Our passion is to help people journey through life with God, purpose, and friends. Those that have come to the embassy the past two years have found a place of safety and direction while on their journey through life, but not only are we with people on their journey we are helping people move forward on their journey.

Often we find people stuck in addiction, debt, insecurity, religion, abuse, you name it we have experienced people being held back by it. Through our Sunday services and weekly journey groups we are seeing people move forward into healthy, free, and Christ led lives. This forward movement is what gets me pumped. God can change, lead and give you the momentum necessary to live out the life He always hoped for you. With this in mind we decided it was time to change the name of our church to better reflect who we are and what we are doing in the lives of others.

We realized that at times “embassy” was something that didn’t automatically define itself to those outside of the church. If someone took the time to look into it or if you came to the church for awhile you would develop an affinity for it, but to the unchurched and dechurched it just didn’t translate easily. I have always said we will do anything except sin to reach those who a disconnected from God. So we’ve done it. Embassy Metro Church has not come to an end it has just picked up momentum. From now on we are “Momentum Church” and we look forward to helping people journey forward through life with God purpose and friend!!!

-I was blown away by the excitement and unity that I felt from the entire church.

-It was great giving out t-shirts, car window decals, and new invite cards to everybody today. You all work hard and deserve some free stuff!!!

-I hate that some had to miss so this should fill you in on everything. I am excited about the next step in God's plan for all of us and for our city. We started with 40 at the theater 2 1/2 years ago. We had over 200 people yesterday and I hope everyone of you feels like you are a part of the core group of people that will dynamically touch this city and the surrounding region in significant ways. You may not have been there when we launched emc, but you are here now and you are a vital part in the start of "Momentum Church"

Love you guys and I look forward to what God has in store for you, our families, and this area.

-After moving into our new home this week and not getting a lot of sleep the past couple of days, I came into the pulpit worn out. I didn’t feel like I nailed the teaching, but I still felt God’s leading on the whole day. Truly it was a historic day in the life of our church. I believe many of will look back and say “we were there when”…

-Jared & the band knocked worship out of the park, but where I want to give Jared props is in the area of design. Man he burned the candle at both ends the past 30 days. He did a great job with all our signage changes, t-shirt design, invite cards, web design, etc…
His new stuff has a bunch of my pastor friends begging for Jared to do a little moonlighting for them. Well let’s let the guy get some rest first. Thanks Jared for your hard work and willingness to learn whatever is necessary to get a job done

Friday, September 26, 2008

Amazing Week

-This has been one of the busiest yet memorable weeks in my life.

-Last Sunday went incredible as we began the "God of this City" series. I challenged the body to make a difference with their lives. Don't just vote for an administration and expect them to live out your preferred agenda. "Heaven waits for us to make a difference" was our mantra of the day. We love to polarize. Run to our corners and focus on our fight. God needs us to focus on our feet and walk out His agenda in our cities.

-We had a bunch of people sign up to get started in various ministries. Next week we will be helping them get plugged in. This week everything has been focused on this coming Sunday.

-Our Volunteers Appreciation Picnic was great as 90 people gathered together. No wonder God is doing so many awesome things at emc. Ya'll are a great team!

-We were told at the picnic, "we don't eat shredded chicken sandwiches in the South" oops. Sorry guys. That's what you get when your Ohio born pastors and wives put on the picnic. We'll we all voted to never do that again's pulled pork next time :) Ha!

-We had a gathering of our key leaders at the embassy to fill everybody in on next week's announcement. It was incredible the amount of excitement and unity that was sensed as we revealed what God is about to do through all of us.

-On Tuesday we closed on our house! Thank God we got it done before all the economic fall out took place. On Wednesday a ton of people from church moved us. You guys blew our minds. You will never know how much that meant to us. Especially in the middle of such an important and labor intensive week at the church.

-Well needless to say this has been an amazing week. What will top it off is spending Sunday with a packed house of people crazy about God and this city and talking about the next thing God is about to do with us.

-I can't believe I get to be your friend and pastor. Thanks!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Seriously late on the Sunday Remix

We have been getting ready to move and today is the big day. Sunday was incredible and I'll have to blog about it later. I can't wait to tell everyone our big announcement this weekend. Don't miss Sunday!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Big Day Tomorrow!

Can't wait for tomorrow. We will begin our new series: "God of this City" and I am fired up! I am so proud of everyone that serves so faithfully at the embassy. You all amaze me weekly with your sacrifice. You truly are making a difference in many people's lives.

We will celebrate your faithfulness tomorrow at our Volunteer's Appreciation Picnic. I'm looking forward to our time together as we eat and give out a few awards. One of the awards is titled the, "Keep pastor Out Of Jail Award". You'll have to show up at the picnic to find out who to, and why this award is being presented.

Next Sunday, the 28th, I will tell the biggest announcement in the history of our church. "I have a secret (said in a spooky sing songy way)".

Make plans to be there and stop trying to bribe me to let you in on the secret. Although a mountain bike for me, or iphones for the staff would probably be enough to pry it out of me. HA! Just kiddin'....not really.

Guys you make the adventure that we are all on a blast. Thanks for letting me be your pastor!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sunday Remix 9-14-08

-It was great being back home. Nothing like preaching at the embassy.

-Josh did a great job leading worship today.

-We had a bunch of guests today which was awesome because we had a ton of regulars gone due to the Cherokee County school break.

-It was wonderful taking communion together while the band led us in "Jesus Paid it All".

-Everybody is trying to get out of me what the "Big Announcement" is. On Sunday the 28th you'll find out. Don't miss it... be there.

-I'm hearing great things about the success of this season of Journey Groups. If you haven't found a small group yet get in one ASAP. Your life will be enriched because of it.

-Finished the night running a 5k with my friend Charlie Delanuez. I'm new at running,so Charlie thanks for the pointers and the Carbo glue energizer goo.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Anticipating the Next Few weeks

-On the 21st we have a Volunteers Appreciation Picnic from 4-6 at the pavilion behind the Cherokee Government/Recreation building on Hwy 5. Can't wait to hang out with those who make emc happen. If you serve, have served, or desire to serve we want you at this event. Email: to let us know how many will be in your party. Kids are invited too.

-On the 21st from 7-8pm there will be a special gathering of staff and team leaders at my house. Child care will be provided.

-On the 21st we are launching a 2 week series called "God of this City".

-On the 28th, as part of this series, I will be revealing the single most important announcement in the history of our church. Don't miss this day or you will forever regret it. We will be giving out free stuff to everyone that comes. What? Be there and find out for yourself.

-On Oct. 5th We will host a Tailgate Party as we invite friends and family to come check out "Life in Christ" and what God is doing at the embassy. This will be a great event following a 40 minute emc experience. We will have food, music, games, and bounce houses.

I'm Sick

I've been sick the past two days. I have no energy and I can't keep my mind straight on anything. I hate getting sick especially when we have so many amazing things happening the next few weeks.


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Justice System is So Messed Up

Last year my friend Bobby Houseman was senselessly gunned downed by his neighbor. Bobby's neighbor went on a shooting rage, killing my friend and his own brother who was a cop.

Today the justice system in Ohio found the killer "not guilty" by reason of insanity.

RIDICULOUS. Our prayers are with all those who are hurting over this travesty of injustice.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Our New Home

We placed a bid on a home in Woodstock on Friday night. The owner accepted our bid by early afternoon Saturday. It is a one owner home built in 84. The man died 2 years ago and his son sold it to a realtor who fixed the place up. The realtor really knows what he is doing. The house is immaculant and turn key ready.

Closing isn't until September 25th...a life time away. Brantley closed and moved into his house two weeks ago. Jared closes on his house tomorrow. He'll be moving this week. Then in a few weeks it's our turn. It feels good to be getting the roots deeply entrenched in Woodstock, GA!

Sunday Remix 8-31-08

-I think we have turned a corner on setting up on time. We have went several weeks now with everything clicking like clock work. Our sound was ready to roll this week 20 minutes earlier than usual. Great job team!

-I thought on Labor day weekend you are suppose to have low attendance. We had the highest regular service attendance in the history of emc! On a labor day weekend. Ya'll are crazy :)

-Brantley Johnson, the man that is over our K-5th grade ministry, preached yesterday and did an amazing job closing out our "God @ the Movies" series. I'm so proud of this young man and his wife Hannah. They started at the embassy a little less than two years ago. Brantley is our first "staff intern" and is quick to take on any task set before him. Great job bro...even if you are a Tennesee fan!

-God is definitely up to some amazing things at emc. I can't wait to let you in on what is coming up in just a few weeks. Whatever you do, clear your calendar you don't want to miss the emc experience on Sept. 21st and 28th.