Thursday, March 06, 2008

Kindness in action

We have all heard of kindness in action. Someone in a moment engages another person in a random act of kindness that asks nothing of the other. Well today I experience a KIA or maybe it was more a KMIA. Kingdom Mindedness in Action.

The whole easter egg drop is not original with embassy although we'll never act like it wasn't our idea. A couple of years ago Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC hosted one for their city. Over the past two years churches around the nation have jumped on the chance to do something that will blow the kids minds. Most egg hunts are a little hard to get too excited about, but having a helicopter bringing the Easter bunny to the kids while dropping thousands of eggs…that’s over the top. We want to go crazy over the top for the kids in this area so they will know that Jesus is crazy over the top for them!

Well were are not the only ones who want the kids in their community to think that Jesus is the best party going. Revolution Church in Canton is hosting a Canton Egg Drop. Oak Leaf Church in Cartersville is hosting a Cartersville Egg Drop and Embassy Metro Church in Woodstock is hosting a Woodstock Egg Drop.

Potentially thousands of children in these three communities will see the over the top love that God has for them on Saturday March 22nd. Be praying for these events. Help serve at these events. And get involved with these churches that are willing to go all out to reach the people of their communities.

I was surprised today to experience a "random act of kingdom mindedness." A letter and a check came from Gary the lead pastor at Revolution Church as he wished us and our event huge success. Too cool!

Gary, Michael...I can't wait to hear about the huge success in your events as well. Just stay out of the helicopter and everything else should go as planned.

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