Thursday, November 22, 2007

I'm thankful for......

...Amie and my children. They mean everything to me and are a reminder everyday that God is better to me than I ever thought possible. embassy metro church family. I am so proud of all that you are becoming in Christ and for Christ.

...a father who decided to follow Christ and was submissive enough to allow God to change him. Pop I am so proud of the man you are and the man you have challenged me to become.

...a mother who in her eyes I can do no wrong. We all need someone of radical grace in our lives and my mother is that for me.

...weekly talks with my sister and brother in law.

...hearing my Grand Dad say he loves me. He just started that since I moved to GA. Pretty cool for an Army Staff Sargent on Guadalcanal South Pacific.

...friends and family that are in our corner. You know who you are.

...Amie is so freakin' hot. (ha ha sorry that one just slipped)

...this is so carnal: my 4 door dodge pick-up. Man I love my truck

...not that they come after the truck but.... the guys on my leadership team and their wives.

...a trip to deer hunt coming up Sunday-Tuesday. Run Bambi Run!

...My Pastor and Mom Blair for everything they have meant to us through the years.

...the increase in my health and outlook on fitness.

...most importantly that I have Jesus in my life and all though at times our relationship has had ups and downs I am finding myself the past few months extremely captivated by His love and presence.

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