Friday, July 13, 2007

(Robby Nichols: Student Ministries, Jared Hager: Worship/Media, Micah Hildebreth: intern from Evangel University, Ross Wiseman: Lead Pastor)

We had a lightning strike last week and it took out our modem, wireless router, vcr, and playstation. I am finally back online and don't have to go to the Bean in order to use the free wireless.

I can't imagine what ministry was like before laptops, blogs, podcasts, and the net. Actually I have been in ministry over 15 years. I can remember cutting and pasting and blowing up clip art and cutting and pasting and then I would put my creations on transparencies and would use it to help get my messages across in a visual way (Oh yeah even in '92 I was tapping creative elements.

It is so much easier now, but if we're not careful it is also easier to get clogged up with all the technology and miss just being quite before God, hearing His voice, and responding in obedience. Next week i am taking a couple of days to fast from technology. There are 12 acres of land by our house and I just found out it belongs to my landlord. He said I could go on it if I wanted to. Amie, Aubrynn, & Grant are going to go see Amie's parents next week (Adalee will be at kids camp) so I am planning on camping for two nights. No power, no internet, only a book, my bible and my journal.

Having our intern Micah with us for five weeks reminded me of being young and just starting out in ministry. I find myself longing for those simple days.

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