Saturday, July 07, 2007

July 4th Thoughts

-everything went great this year.
-we had over 40 people take part in helping on July 4th. Some helped line up floats for the city, we had a great group that walked with the float, we had two different groups that manned our booth doing face painting, handing out water, and balloons.
-We handed out 2000 invite cards attached to microwave popcorn packets.
-we heard along the parade route..."now that's a great idea"...."hey that's a church"...etc...
-One family that walked in the parade with us this year had received a invite card last year during the parade and the first time they came to emc was the very next Sunday. I hope in the morning we have a bunch of people in the house because of the parade. If you are thinking about coming for the first time in the morning...Just do it! We won't call you out, down, or show up at your house with brownies, but we will guarantee that it will be one of the best hour and 15 minutes of your week.
-We were going to crash the rest of the day, but then we decided to go see the fireworks at a neighborhood called Legacy park in Kennesaw. Amazing show only 15 minutes, but right over your stinkin' head. Jared & Charla's van got covered in debris.
-Robert Warnock made his way deeply into my heart...oh my gosh he made the best guacamole I have ever had. They pulled me from the kitchen counter after I grabbed a turkey baster and was trying to mainline the green goo of glorious gluttony.
-Laying out under the fire works on grass so thick it felt like a mattress with new friends all around and my family at my side and the thoughts of the day that point to a growing and thriving church was truly a great moment.

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