Monday, July 02, 2007

EMC-ers You Rock

I love the people at the embassy. They always seem ready to jump in and make a difference. From home make overs to showing God's love in practical ways to our community, and from creating an environment week to week that God uses to touch lives in a powerful way introducing people to Christ and helping people journey through life successfully.

Last night I was so proud to pastor this group. We had a work night at Jared's house to get things ready for the parade on the fourth. Upstairs there was a room full of people stapling 2000 invite cards to microwave popcorn packets to hand out along the parade route Wednesday. We even had a lady come to help that Sunday was just her second time at the embassy! How cool!

Downstairs there was a slew of people painting and getting things ready for the float. I was talking to one person who before moving to the area was a part of a church plant. He was amazed at the amount of people we have that get involved. Our percentage of volunteers at the embassy is off the hook. I am so proud that people come and quickly begin to get involved in creating the environments God is using to reach those who desperately need Him.

God is putting together a force not to be messed with. A group of people who are willing to do whatever it takes and give whatever is necessary to reach people for Jesus. I heard a guy say recently that he wants to see the church he pastors dominate their area for God. I feel like God is just beginning that with us. Step up and be a part of the revolution as we endeavor to impact our communities with the message of Christ's love, acceptance, and purpose for life!!!

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