Monday, May 22, 2006

To podcast or not to podcast that is the question: an open dialogue

This entry is more of a query for info regarding podcasting from other church planters or leaders.

Many of you are currently using podcasting and some of you have chosen to not go that route. I am looking forward to hearing some responses for and against. I would like to see some dialogue concerning the adventures and misadventures of beginnning podcasting. Finally it would be great to see some of the different hardware and software you are using to get the job done right and what creative ways you are using your podcast or drawing attention to your podcast. I guess that's enough to get us started.


Anonymous said...

podcasting has been an awesome tool for us. I podcast 2 different ways... For the regular church services, I podcast using this software called FeedForAll. For the youth ministry I use garageband combined with iweb. It takes more time. But since it's me teaching, me editing and podcasting... I don't care.

For the youth ministry I use an M-Audio MicroTrack recorder. I bought this myself for $400 bucks... The great thing is that it records as an mp3. You can plug it in to your computer and drag the mp3 to your desktop... edit it and it saves a lot of time. This thing records at studio quality... It's definately worth the investment...

I hope this helped...

You can here my podcast and check out the quality...

go to my blog and click on the liquid podcast graphic.

Ross Wiseman said...

Thanks Mark I checked out the Feed For All site at and it looks like a great piece of software at an affordable price 39.95.

Off the subject, your whole liquid white party was a definite off the chain idea! I'm glad it generated the response you hoped for. God ideas are always so fresh!

Roger Blackmore said...

Do I look like someone who knows what software we use???
Sorry Ross, I just do the preaching - after that I have no clue how it gets onto Ipods all around the world. I was born too early for that stuff!
Go for it. What's the worst that can happen? No one listens??? That won't happen because I'll check out your podcasts!

Ross Wiseman said...

Thanks Roger! right now we are putting our finances together for the equipment and we should begin podcasting in July.

Anonymous said...

How do you podcast anyway? How do I get started? I am very green at this kind of thing and would love some direction from you guys.
