Monday, June 23, 2008

Sunday Remix 6-22-08

-We are well into Summer and attendance was great. Emc-ers continue to invite friends. I loved seeing so many new faces at the Embassy yesterday.

-A waitress that Amie and I invited to church came Sunday and she brought a friend. I love it when people that you have personally invited show up at the embassy!

-Pastor Steven Furtick spoke via video for this Sunday's "One Prayer". He spoke on how God will honor audacious faith. It was amazing the buzz I was hearing from our people. There is an audacity rising in the hearts of emc-ers that I believe will propel us to reach our city.

-On Saturday we did our first "Adopt a Block" as we brought groceries to the Noonday Valley Mobile Home Park. The team did a great job connecting with the amazing people that live in this park. The neighborhood children all loved the face painting and balloons. I know God encouraged the hearts of those we had a chance to pray with. Some of you will feel called to this community I want you to plan on going again next month.

-We decided we would leave a day early for Ohio. So right now I am writing this entry from my sisters living room while the kids are going crazy on the Wii. My 6 year old boy is going wild on the bowling game. He just bowled a score of the night. He's loving it.

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