Friday, June 06, 2008

Friday Five

-I can't wait for Sunday at approximately 10:30 to show up. I am about to burst with the message God has given me to preach. The "One Prayer" series is going to have a huge impact on us. If you are gone on vacation that's one thing. If you're home during the month of June you don't want to miss a week.

-Gary Lamb and I traded video greetings for our churches this weekend. It's great the two theater churches in Cherokee County are linking arms in making it hard to get to hell from Cherokee County!

-Sunday night I get to spend some time with a bunch of our emc leaders. Lookin' forward to it!

-Tomorrow night we are serving at the concert in the park in downtown Woodstock. The band playing is a chic band from Ireland. There called the Screaming Orphans. Can't wait to hear them do there stuff.

-My wife got 10 inches cut off and she looks smokin'... "come here baby and let me kiss your neck"!!!

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