Friday, December 21, 2007

Funny Father Son Moment

Last night Amie was practicing with Charla and Mary a song they are singing on Sunday. This left dad with the duty of feeding the kids. In true fatherly style I announced "Hey let's go to Stevie B's" At that moment Dad is king. Almost as cool as when I brought rats home for them a few weeks ago, but that's another story.

Stevie B's is great all the pizza you can eat for the kids and an actually a pretty fresh salad bar for a dieting dad. After supper as I sat sipping coffee the kids went to the play room to waste their money. They know dad's too cheap to let them waste mine. I gave each of them a quarter and said "have at".

When you set the kids up with mad cash like that it creates a sense of adventure. They look under in and over everything for tokens. They blow my mind how much they will find. At Chuckie Cheese I have seen my brood of "Wiseman" find over 20 tokens over an hours time...I'm so proud of 'em. And it heightens the adventure right?

Well Grant comes out of the play room last night all excited holding a shiny bright yellow gumball as big as his left eye, not that his right eye is any different in size,it's just he had that one closed as he was spying out the existence of germs with microscopic precision using his left eye. His sisters are having a conniption because they just know he'll die for sure the moment he chews this object of discovery.

I felt torn to be honest. I was thrilled my son found most likely a perfectly good gumball and now like daddy enjoying the fruit of his hunt he is ready to devour this discarded delectable. The cacophony of girlish squeals brings me to my senses whereby I say in a rather responsible parental way shaking my head in quandry, "Grant, I wouldn't eat it" and to that he responded simple with, "but I would...I'll blow on it" And so as he blew the ball clean still looking at it with his left eye and now me with his right, I gave him another "have at it". In to his mouth went the gumball, the girls gave one more retort of disgust and Grant smiled from ear to ear eyes closed now as he enjoyed the sugary syrup of fresh chewed gum sliding down his throat.

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