Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday Remix 5-11-08

-I can't just post when things are going great. The thought that we will never have rough Sundays is appealing, but not realistic.

-Today we had a tough dose of realism.

-I don't think we have ever started a service later. Do to some technical difficulties we started 26 minutes late. To be honest, that just threw the whole thing off for me.

-We had a gas leak outside the theater that threatened to evacuate the building. I kind of wish I would have pulled the plug after service still hadn't started in 25 minutes .

-OK I'm glad I didn't pull the plug because even though the morning craziness had me worked up to the point I didn't enjoy preaching, Amie said the teaching was great and that this current series is really speaking to her. When your wife tells you that she loves that you are her pastor as well as her husband, that's cool.

-Amie has been an amazing friend, wife, mother, and co-laborer in the vision God gave us. I love you baby girl...Happy Mother's Day!

-I know it's Mother's Day and our attendance always drops, but seriously we had close to 100 people gone. Dude that messes with your head a little.

-To end on a positive note...I love the way the volunteers at emc have all stepped up. You blow me away with your faithfulness. Great job!

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