Friday, May 30, 2008

An Amazing Act of Kingdom Mindedness

A friend of mine at a local church relaized how much stuff they had just sitting in storage. He sent out the invite to come see if we could use anything. It was amazing how many things we recently said we needed were in that storage unit.

Brantley has a lot of ideas that will take our "Kid's Live" environment to the next level. Many of the things needed were in that storage unit.

Some things we needed for the office...were in that storage unit. Other things for our main auditorium and cafe...were in that storage unit.

What an amazing act of kingdom mindedness as one local church blessed another local church with so much. That's what it's all about. We are on the same team with the same coach. It's awesome when the church acts like that. During our "One Prayer" series we will be embracing this truth even more. I can't wait!

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