Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Great Memorial Day Weekend

-Trailer hitch lost the cotter pin and the hitch fell out of the receiver. This all happened 40 yards from the front of the theater.

-The Load Control Team was amazing. We lost 20 minutes because of the trailer fiasco, but we still started church on time. Great job team!

-Worship rocked Sunday. God definitely visited the hearts of those gathered.

-I preached to our singles today. I felt a little out of my element realizing that I've been married 14 years and "off the market" for 17. I think I was still able to relate God's word to the teaching target audience, but I never got feeling comfortable in the course of the teaching.

-Early Sunday evening I got to get coffee with a man who "gets it". He has risen the corporate ladder, and is in demand within his industry. What was so refreshing about him was what caused his eyes to gleam over with excitement. It wasn't his business that takes him all over the world, but rather the joy that he has to see his family grow in God. Also it was his passion to see new communities of faith reaching those far from God.

-On Monday we had mass amounts of meat and cold pasta salads...Nuff said.

-It was great having a bunch of friends over yesterday. The kids had a blast and no one went to the hospital...Nuff said.

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