Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lead Healthy...The D-Fat Challenge

The past few months I have been really working hard at getting in shape. I have actually dropped 30 pounds and 12% body fat since November. The only thing is the past few weeks my motivation has slowed way down. Not sure why, but that all changed yesterday.

So what is that has me ready to run back into my fat burning plastic jogging suit faster than Christie Alley to a buffet. I will tell's a friendly wager amongst some of the wildest church planters in the nation.

At the Evolve conference Shawn Lovejoy spoke about being a healthy leader. Well that pretty much made most of us feel like crap. J.R. took it upon himself to lay out a field of competition. Here's the deal 10 teams of 2 pastors. Each team throws in $100. Whichever team on May 1st has lost the highest combined percentage of weight loss is the winner and pockets $1000. Right there my mom just freaked out..."Oh honey ain't that gambling...WWJD" Well mom Jesus wasn't fat... and the son of God didn't need any motivation. I do and one large works for me.

I like how J.R. put it "No we’re not gambling - it’s an investment in preventative health care and WINNER TAKES ALL"

Keep checkin in. To all the emc-ers stay on me and Jared as we bring home the I mean green. Oh and we aren't bringing it home Jared and I are going to spend every dime on useless crap :)

So far there are four teams: Team Embassy, Team Freedom, Team Revolution, Team Reveal

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