Thursday, February 07, 2008

I Love Church Planters

Yesterday I spent the better part of the afternoon with this guy. Mark is preparing to plant a church in Flowery Branch.

There are two things common to all successful church planters...hunger and purpose. I love that most guys I meet with realize that they have heard from God, but that is where it begins, not where it ends.

Successful church planters are tuned in to God's will for their lives and their city's needs. They also are willing to go to school on everybody else. I think we need a healthy balance of hearing from God and picking the brain of others.

Mark for the past year has been mentored by Pastor Johnny Hunt. That just goes to show the spirit of church planters. Mentored by one of the greatest pastors in America, but still wanting to spend the afternoon with a guy a couple years into this thing.

We need to always be looking for others ahead of us. This way we can learn from both their mistakes and their successes. It was great sharing with Mark a little of both. My prayers are with you Mark. Go tear Flowery Branch up with the message of Christ!

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