Monday, April 07, 2008

Sunday Remix 4-06-08

-EMC went digital today. If you didn't notice all the sound was being mixed and processed through a computer today. It will take a few weeks to work out the kinks (like what the heck was going on with the bass and subwoofers) but it will give us a consistency with our sound that we have never had. We will be offering training by a profesional to all our sound guys and any one wanting to be a part of of the sound team. Jared will have dates for the training soon.

-The third week in the Life Bytes series was powerful as we asked God to "defrag" our operating systems. As I preached I could just see people dealing with God and the broken things in their lives. People were given paint sticks to write on the things in their lives that they felt were broken files messing up their lives. Some of these things are because of poor choices. Others are the result of other peoples actions towards you. Either way we need to defrag and allow God to deal with the broken files that keep breaking our lives.

-At the end of the service we had everyone on the count of three break the paint stick. This was to symbolize that we are choosing to allow God to deal with the broken files in our lives. Dude the sound was incredible, powerful, and to be honest made me want to shout. To know that we were giving our stuff to God to deal with, and to know that He will, make me amped because over the next few months we will begin to hear the stories of life change that will result because of that one service. I loved the pile that the sticks made as people came and threw them on the stage. They did that because there's no use in carrying that stuff around. In Christ we are forgiven. In Christ we are secure. In Christ we are FREE!

-For it being spring break our attendance was great.

-We have had a bunch of guests the past few weeks. I look forward to getting to know you, to seeing God work in your life and family, and to seeing you find your part as we serve together to impact Woodstock!

-I was looking at our growth and in just 13 weeks we are averaging 20% more in attedance than our year average for 2007. Wow! Everyone that works so hard to make emc what it is. Thanks!

-I'm out of the digital world until Thursday. Talk at ya'll then.

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