Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Getting the Office Ready!

-Last night a bunch of us finished painting the office. Today we will get the desks, printers, bookshelves etc.... in.

-Just being there gives me a sense of excitement. It will be nice to find the balance I need between my family and the ministry. For 2 1/2 years it's like you never stop working. The office has been in the house and it was just too easy to jump into doing work anytime, all the time.

-The office will allow us to have a structured schedule. This will make us more productive both for church and our families.

-Starting next week we will go to a Sunday-Thursday work week. We will take Friday and Saturday off. On Sundays my day usually starts at 4:00am. When church is over we will go home with the families or out to eat with people, relax a little in the afternoon and then come back into the office to get things started for the coming week. We will go with this schedule for a month or so, evaluate it, and then decide if it's working or not. Anyways that's the plan.

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