Monday, April 28, 2008

De-tox finally over

No your pastor wasn't in rehab. For the past 10 days I have been doing a de-tox recommended by my trainer/R.N. Yesterday was the 10th and final day. It was tough to preach because my cotton mouth was as thick as lamb's wool. A couple times I about choked on my own tongue. It's been a long time since I had to drink that much water while speaking.

Well, after ten days of a serious liquid regimen I am looking forward to solid foods. That won't happen until tomorrow though, as I ease myself out of the regimen.
Tomorrow will be O.J. and Vegi soup. The next day more of the same plus salads. Finally Thursday I'll be ready to Wok and Roll baby. Digestive track cleaned out and feeling good.

It's funny how everybody wanted to know my "diet" this weekend. I can understand. I did drop a lot during the ten days of the de-tox, but that wasn't the purpose of it. I had already lost 50 pounds from October to before I did the de-tox. The de-tox cleans you out, but being that it's all liquid you end up losing also.

If you want to know how I lost the weight then look back from this past Fall to before the de-tox. I was at the gym 5 days a week. I ate 6 times a day combinations of good lean protein, healthy carbohydrates, and fibrous vegetables.That's how I lost the weight. Not some 10 day fad diet.

I hope y'all get the point of this. I want you to be healthy. Health doesn't come in a can, nor does it come over night. You can do this! Get moving. Get eating healthy, and Watch over time your body will respond.

OK I'm your pastor not a health guru so that's all I have to say about that. I will say that in life rarely anything that is sustainable happens overnight. If you want to see changes in any area of your life you have to get intentional. Be intentional about applying your resources to the vision you have and watch it begin to take shape!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Ross! Man, it's great to hear your enthusiasm for getting healthy...and to see the results! Keep it up !
