Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Miracle Sunday?

God has always provided for the needs of the embassy and I know He will continue to do so. We came out of 2007 a little tight in the area of finances. In December we received a special offering for the African Well project and the Safe Haven Children's home project. On that day the general giving was lower than normal. Then the last Sunday of the year we gave everyone the week off to be with family and friends. The following Sunday we did not recoup those funds. Even though we experienced our highest attendance for a regular service, our offerings for the first two week's of 2008 were 38% lower than usual. Then to follow that up, we didn't have service this past week. Whew!

So what does all this mean:

#1 We are going to make it. We always have and we always will!

#2 We are experiencing momentum in every area, but our finances. The great thing about this can be fixed.

#3 We have many at the embassy who are not used to going to church, let alone give 10% (Tithe) of their earnings. On Sundays we rarely talk about money...and I want to keep it that way. Although, I do want to see more people experience the benefits of being faithful in this area. It's not about the money, but people moving in God's plan for their finances will be blessed and will be a blessing. I want all of us in that flow. Don't feel guilt or condemnation, but rather feel a sense of anticipation about what God is about to do in your life because of your faithfulness!

#4 I think at times people don't give because emc functions at a high capacity. Our commitment to excellence is something that we do not back down from. On a Sunday morning most would never imagine that in spite of our size we receive thousands less than many other churches the same size. We have to be very creative to stretch finances and we are. The need may not appear to be there, but it is.

#5 God desires to do great things in your life personally and through your church collectively. This will never happen if we don't go all out for Him in every area of our life.

#6 Let's make this coming Sunday a miraculous day financially. Let's allow our giving to match up with the blessings and momentum that God is granting to our church!

I love you guys... you are amazing. I can't wait to see all that God desires to do in your lives this year!

This Coming Sunday is going to be off the chain...See you then!

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