Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Clairity for 2008

The week between the holidays I took some time to finish laying out our teaching plan for 2008. As a staff we have in the past designed a preaching calendar based on human need and what categories of thought work best for specific months of the year. Using that as a starting point and getting alone with God to ask the question, "what do you desire to teach into and do with your people this year?" a teaching plan for the year began to be sifted out. During the year this may shift some. Titles or the length of series may change. God may call an audible and we will respond to His game plan in a heartbeat, but we believe at emc that God can speak to you well in advance. God will anoint and use good planning. Working ahead allows a greater number of people's giftings to be used to reach a greater number and diversity of people. With all of that said here is where we are headed:

-"Epic 08" Everyone loves an Epic tale, an adventure of dynamic proportion. On January 13th-Feb 3rd discover with us your place in the story that is unfolding...go beyond the ordinary, surpass life as usual. Get ready to begin your EPIC YEAR.

-"Power of Love"

-"The Office" Positioning yourself for Success on the Job

-"F-3" Fuel, Force, Flow a series on the Holy Spirit

-"Life Bytes" IT for the Soul (This series will launch on Easter Sunday)

-"Check Mate" A series for singles looking at God's word to help us find what it takes to make the right choices in relationships.

-"Parenting" This series is still untitled but will look at the difficulties of and directions for Parenting.

-"Summer of Rock" Jesus told Simon one of his disciples that he would be known as "Peter" which means "Rock" We will develop a solid foundation for our faith as we look at Peter and the two letters Peter wrote in the New Testament.

-"God @ the Movies" We will again this year use movies as a means to illustrate the realities of humanity and the power of Christ's teachings to impact our lives.

-"Confessions of a Pastor" an honest look at the frustrations, doubts, fears, and struggles we all face.

-"Pirates: Reclaiming my stolen treasure" In our Christian lives stands an enemy who desires to steal, kill, and destroy. If we can recognize this enemy and the strategies used to steal from us, the better equipped we’ll be to win.

-"Escalator: Growing Up" Every Christ follower is called to be a leader. This series will help you to unleash your leadership potential.

-Christmas Series: not titled yet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the pirate series. AAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!