Friday, March 10, 2006

a new friend

This morning I got to spend a little time with a church planter from Canton. Gary Lamb launched Ridge Stone Church almost two years ago. The church is currently meeting in a theater about 14 miles from Cherokee 16 Theatre where we recently launched. It was great spending time with a guy that has journeyed down the same path that we are now heading. I love how God is raising up leadership that is real. Like Gary said "what you see is what you get." I really enjoyed the time spent and felt like Gary was open to helping a new guy out with ideas and warnings. If you are reading this are falling into my trap as I befriend you and then steal all your ideas.....Ha! Ha! Ha!

No really, it was such a good time getting to know Gary. I am proud to be reaching people through church plants in the same county as guys like Gary Lamb, Eddie Johnson, & Chuck Angel. I trust we'll all be faithful to what God has called each of us to and collectively reach many for Christ in Cherokee County.

One other thought....I was told that my blog sucks because I wait to long between entries I'm not going to say who told me that, but.....Gary you're right. Thanks for breakfast my new friend (that sounds so corny)

1 comment:

Gary Lamb said...

Hey bro, I had a great time. Anytime you want to hook up, just treat, that is until you get bigger then us, then you have to buy. :)