Monday, March 20, 2006

great day at the embassy!

Emc Team you ROCK!!! As I reflect on yesterday's gathering at the embassy my heart grows warmer than the cafe au lait with hazelnut that sits on the table beside me. Why? I knew you would ask. Let me list a few things.

1. we had several new emc-ers that have linked up with the team to help make Sundays possible. You know who your are and thanks!

(People hooking up with the vision of creating an environnment where unchurched, or dechurched people can connect with God and each other gets me jazzed. If you are new to the embassy what are you waiting for, jump in and lets make a huge impact together on woodstock and our surrounding communities!)

2. the media team. Thanks for yesterday. i threw a lot at you and you kept up with a crazy morning of cues for visuals, clips, and lighting. (we're always in need of more techno-freaks)

3. the teaching had a different flavor then usual with nearly 11 minutes of clips interwoven into the teaching. To be honest I worried it would crash and burn, but all I have heard has been great responses. Again thanks tech guys for keeping it fluid.

4. Pastor Jared, Charla, & Katie continue to do an incredible job with leading us into worship and great reports are coming out of our embassy kids ministry. Thanks Amie for all you and your team do to make the kids excited about God and church.

(we are in bad need of a drummer, bassist, & lead guitarist...oh and a kazoo player! If interested e-mail "I need more cowbell... I have a fever and the only cure for my fever, is more cow bell."

5. saving the best for last, we had one guy express an interest in begining a relationship with Christ! That's what I'm talking about!

I feel like we have a long way to go to become one of the great churches that God will use to impact our community in a real and significant way, but Sundays like yesterday let me know that we are right on track. Thanks to all who have sacrificed so much to make emc a reality. Proud to be your pastor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I ain't gonna be sick anymore!!!!
I missed all this for an ear infection!! Gimme a break.
See y'all sunday!
