Monday, August 04, 2008

Live safe? I don't think so!

I heard about a guy recently who said he doesn't like surprises. He chooses to live life safe. He also said he doesn't like miracles. See in order to have a miracle you have to first have a problem, crisis, or lack. Well frankly I hate living safe. I say get out on the edge where you need God to show up and if he doesn't you die.

Church planting, when it comes to ministry is on the edge. OKmaybe not as much as mission work in one of the _______stan countries, but it still isn't a walk in the park. There are highs and lows. Victories and struggles. Your faith is tested often. This summer has been no different.

In the summer most church finances drop. June and July were tough on the embassy, but in the past 7 days...oh my goodness God has shown up. Oh yeah...provision, supply, whatever you want to call it, I call it a miracle. I like the line in Narnia referrring to Aslan. "Is He He's not safe, but He is good". You see sometimes God trips me out, but He never trips me up.

Living for God is not safe, but it is good. I thank God for the waves of crisis because through them we see that He still walks on the water. He is still able to provide a sure hand right when you need it.

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