-Saw another person come to Christ this Sunday! ....ENOUGH SAID.
God don't ever let me forget what we are here for.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
I'm Fried
Today has been a crazy day. I got to enjoy reading the first 5 chapters of Acts in the Message Bible. Usually on Mondays I spend some time doing my Sunday remix. I have been swamped all day. It's now 6:18 and I'm still not home. Started the day at the Gym at 5:30am. I'm out of here. I'll have to do the remix later tonight or tomorrow.
I will say this Sunday was awesome and God really use the day to affect people's lives significantly.
I will say this Sunday was awesome and God really use the day to affect people's lives significantly.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday Remix 8-17-08
-Yesterday was one of those Sundays where when you put your head on the pillow you are happy to be doing what you are doing. The theater is filling up with friends and family. We haven't done any advertising since our billboards came down last December. You all are doing it. Your living your life for Christ and influencing others to follow Him and people are doing just that. Keep up being the agents of life change that you are becoming.
-There is nothing I love more than when a person comes to Christ at the embassy, then they bring someone who comes to Christ, then that person influences someone to come and they too find Christ. That's one cool thing about being a maturing church (2 1/2 years old) We are beginning to see people who were reached, reaching people who are reaching people. I LOVE IT! That's the number one way that you see God's kingdom grow and that will always be the number way that we see Embassy grow.
-Although personal invite is #1 if anybody wants to throw $5,000-7,000.00 for a 3 month billboard campaign that would be cool too! :)
-We set world record times yesterday with set up. The band got the gold for bringing it and Brian did an amazing job on the mix.
-A couple of weeks ago we set the standard that we will never start later than 10:02. The various teams have risen to that standard and I thank you.
-You can tell that EMC has taken a giant step forward this summer...and I thought in the summer you are suppose to just coast. Not you guys!
-I had personal friends at the Embassy again this week and I want to thank all the teams for what you do. You make it very easy for me to invite people to church. EMC is definitely the place I would want to go even if I wasn't the pastor. I know that when people come they will be greeted, encouraged, motivated, and connected to God at a greater level. Thanks for making that happen week after week. EMC-ers you rock!
-There is nothing I love more than when a person comes to Christ at the embassy, then they bring someone who comes to Christ, then that person influences someone to come and they too find Christ. That's one cool thing about being a maturing church (2 1/2 years old) We are beginning to see people who were reached, reaching people who are reaching people. I LOVE IT! That's the number one way that you see God's kingdom grow and that will always be the number way that we see Embassy grow.
-Although personal invite is #1 if anybody wants to throw $5,000-7,000.00 for a 3 month billboard campaign that would be cool too! :)
-We set world record times yesterday with set up. The band got the gold for bringing it and Brian did an amazing job on the mix.
-A couple of weeks ago we set the standard that we will never start later than 10:02. The various teams have risen to that standard and I thank you.
-You can tell that EMC has taken a giant step forward this summer...and I thought in the summer you are suppose to just coast. Not you guys!
-I had personal friends at the Embassy again this week and I want to thank all the teams for what you do. You make it very easy for me to invite people to church. EMC is definitely the place I would want to go even if I wasn't the pastor. I know that when people come they will be greeted, encouraged, motivated, and connected to God at a greater level. Thanks for making that happen week after week. EMC-ers you rock!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday Remix 8-10-08
-Great day.
-Great attendance in August.
-2 people got saved!
-Amie and my friends came to church.
-Preached 30 minutes. Really working on that. Had to be the most simple
sermon I have ever preached. Simple, but I could sense God using it like crazy.
-We started on time this Sunday and will from now on. Thank you team.
-I got testy with everybody this week., but I am not apologizing for it. People give us a window to reach them each week and that window begins at 10:02am. We will not rob from people the full opportunity we have to connect them to what should be the greatest experience of their week. We will not start late ever again...! LOVE YA :)
-Had a great lunch with a former pastor's family who has made emc their home. Love them. It stinks how churches can treat their pastors. Man the stories. I am so thankful for my previous church and for the way embassy folks have treated myself, family, and staff. EMC-ers ya'll should be proud of yourselves. I know I am proud of you.
-Great attendance in August.
-2 people got saved!
-Amie and my friends came to church.
-Preached 30 minutes. Really working on that. Had to be the most simple
sermon I have ever preached. Simple, but I could sense God using it like crazy.
-We started on time this Sunday and will from now on. Thank you team.
-I got testy with everybody this week., but I am not apologizing for it. People give us a window to reach them each week and that window begins at 10:02am. We will not rob from people the full opportunity we have to connect them to what should be the greatest experience of their week. We will not start late ever again...! LOVE YA :)
-Had a great lunch with a former pastor's family who has made emc their home. Love them. It stinks how churches can treat their pastors. Man the stories. I am so thankful for my previous church and for the way embassy folks have treated myself, family, and staff. EMC-ers ya'll should be proud of yourselves. I know I am proud of you.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
New Series Begins This Sunday

This Sunday, COMING SOON, we begin our annual "God at the Movies" series. THE ADVENTURE! This is always one of our greatest series to invite friends and family. We will look at "reel" life issues and see what God's Word has to say about some of the experiences we all face. THE THRILL! See you Sunday at 10:02am at the Cherokee 16 theater. BE THERE...there...there...there...
Be a part of it!
We started EMC two and a half years ago and have seen God do incredible things in people's lives. During the next few months it's going to get insane around here. I can't wait for the next three teaching series we will be doing. I can't wait to see your friends and family's lives changed. I can't wait to let you in on what God is setting into motion. We will look back over this next season for years to come and be able to say, "I was a part of it all"
Monday, August 04, 2008
Perry Noble's Coaching Network and a Wish
I went through a tech detox and somehow missed out on the info that Perry was doing a coaching network. I contacted his admin who said they were filled up and to look at being a part of the next network. I was fine with that and look forward to it, but after seeing some of the guys I know personally who are going to be in this group I am seriously bummed. I would have loved to be with Gary, Tadd, and Chris.
If giving my left kidney would get me in the group starting next week I would say Tadd bring the knife cause I know you got one. Chris set on me so I won't squirm. And Gary start cutting, cuz you are always threatening to cut somebody.
I'm serious...If there is any way just let me know.
If giving my left kidney would get me in the group starting next week I would say Tadd bring the knife cause I know you got one. Chris set on me so I won't squirm. And Gary start cutting, cuz you are always threatening to cut somebody.
I'm serious...If there is any way just let me know.
Live safe? I don't think so!
I heard about a guy recently who said he doesn't like surprises. He chooses to live life safe. He also said he doesn't like miracles. See in order to have a miracle you have to first have a problem, crisis, or lack. Well frankly I hate living safe. I say get out on the edge where you need God to show up and if he doesn't you die.
Church planting, when it comes to ministry is on the edge. OKmaybe not as much as mission work in one of the _______stan countries, but it still isn't a walk in the park. There are highs and lows. Victories and struggles. Your faith is tested often. This summer has been no different.
In the summer most church finances drop. June and July were tough on the embassy, but in the past 7 days...oh my goodness God has shown up. Oh yeah...provision, supply, whatever you want to call it, I call it a miracle. I like the line in Narnia referrring to Aslan. "Is He safe....no He's not safe, but He is good". You see sometimes God trips me out, but He never trips me up.
Living for God is not safe, but it is good. I thank God for the waves of crisis because through them we see that He still walks on the water. He is still able to provide a sure hand right when you need it.
Church planting, when it comes to ministry is on the edge. OKmaybe not as much as mission work in one of the _______stan countries, but it still isn't a walk in the park. There are highs and lows. Victories and struggles. Your faith is tested often. This summer has been no different.
In the summer most church finances drop. June and July were tough on the embassy, but in the past 7 days...oh my goodness God has shown up. Oh yeah...provision, supply, whatever you want to call it, I call it a miracle. I like the line in Narnia referrring to Aslan. "Is He safe....no He's not safe, but He is good". You see sometimes God trips me out, but He never trips me up.
Living for God is not safe, but it is good. I thank God for the waves of crisis because through them we see that He still walks on the water. He is still able to provide a sure hand right when you need it.
Sunday Remix 8-3-08
-This Sunday was off the chain for sure.
-We broke out a second trailer. The thought of that freaked me out a little because we usually are pushing to start on time as it is. It went awesome! Everything from the Welcome/Cafe' area and Kid's Live (K-5) was in the 12 ft trailer. The main theater, nursery, and preschool stuff was in the 20 footer.
-Our K-5th Team unloaded the cafe and their room. Our load control team went right to unloading the main room. Usually the cafe stuff is unloaded first. This accomplished two things. It doubled the work force for overall load control. Second, It started the load out of the main room 15 minutes earlier. What I love about this procedural change. It came from the ground up as people saw the need, provided the trailer, and set in motion the changes to make it happen. Great Job!!!
-Robby started "Reverb" this Sunday. Reverb is a group designed for 6&7 graders. It takes place during my Sunday teaching. They begin in the main room and exit after worship to go to Reverb. From my 6th grader it sounds like it went great. Thanks to Echo Student Ministries for making this happen for our younger students.
-I had a blast preaching about something I have a great passion for. We finished up our Summer of Rock series. We looked at the first disciples "Come and See" model of evangelism. I said that every Christian should live to influence others to experience Christ. We can't make people "follow" Christ, but we can influence them to "experience" Christ. When we do that Jesus himself will make it very difficult to deny.
-We brought our kids and school teachers in to pray over them in preparation for the coming school year. I called out 5 names: Adalee, Jessica, Brianna, Katie, and Ryan. I bragged on these kids because they make up 25% of one class room at Carmel Elementary. One influenced another who influenced another...and now the kids and their families all come to EMC.
Dude that rocks. These kids didn't back down, but they invited..."come and see" and Jesus did the rest!!
-The Band rocked Tom Petty's "No I Won't Back Down" when it comes to influencing others to Christ we are not going to back down.
-Next week we begin our God at the Movies series. Don't forget to invite 3 friends. This is your chance to influence others to experience Christ. I promise you...you do your part.....and I will do mine. August will be as insane as you want it!!!
-Lately I've been saying to myself, "I'm not going to say freakin as much". I have been saying it for years and at times it creeps into my Sunday sermon. I was so freakin'....er I mean incredibly proud of myself on Sunday because I did not use the weak adjective. Instead I self-filtered and skipped it. Ok before you praise me for self control and decorum in the pulpit....I did say the word "dammit". I think my self-filterer still needs a little adjusting. To know the context you'll have to listen to the podcast.
-Last night we had a great final Discipleship for Leadership night. I love seeing our leaders getting a hold of what God is doing in and through us together as a church.
-I have been finding it hard to sleep lately. I am more excited about emc and it's future than the day we launched 2 1/2 years ago.
-Emc-ers pray for me as I lead out of the heart and vision of God. I am more excited than ever, but I feel more spiritual attack then ever as well.
-I Love you guys. I am so pleased to be your pastor.
-We broke out a second trailer. The thought of that freaked me out a little because we usually are pushing to start on time as it is. It went awesome! Everything from the Welcome/Cafe' area and Kid's Live (K-5) was in the 12 ft trailer. The main theater, nursery, and preschool stuff was in the 20 footer.
-Our K-5th Team unloaded the cafe and their room. Our load control team went right to unloading the main room. Usually the cafe stuff is unloaded first. This accomplished two things. It doubled the work force for overall load control. Second, It started the load out of the main room 15 minutes earlier. What I love about this procedural change. It came from the ground up as people saw the need, provided the trailer, and set in motion the changes to make it happen. Great Job!!!
-Robby started "Reverb" this Sunday. Reverb is a group designed for 6&7 graders. It takes place during my Sunday teaching. They begin in the main room and exit after worship to go to Reverb. From my 6th grader it sounds like it went great. Thanks to Echo Student Ministries for making this happen for our younger students.
-I had a blast preaching about something I have a great passion for. We finished up our Summer of Rock series. We looked at the first disciples "Come and See" model of evangelism. I said that every Christian should live to influence others to experience Christ. We can't make people "follow" Christ, but we can influence them to "experience" Christ. When we do that Jesus himself will make it very difficult to deny.
-We brought our kids and school teachers in to pray over them in preparation for the coming school year. I called out 5 names: Adalee, Jessica, Brianna, Katie, and Ryan. I bragged on these kids because they make up 25% of one class room at Carmel Elementary. One influenced another who influenced another...and now the kids and their families all come to EMC.
Dude that rocks. These kids didn't back down, but they invited..."come and see" and Jesus did the rest!!
-The Band rocked Tom Petty's "No I Won't Back Down" when it comes to influencing others to Christ we are not going to back down.
-Next week we begin our God at the Movies series. Don't forget to invite 3 friends. This is your chance to influence others to experience Christ. I promise you...you do your part.....and I will do mine. August will be as insane as you want it!!!
-Lately I've been saying to myself, "I'm not going to say freakin as much". I have been saying it for years and at times it creeps into my Sunday sermon. I was so freakin'....er I mean incredibly proud of myself on Sunday because I did not use the weak adjective. Instead I self-filtered and skipped it. Ok before you praise me for self control and decorum in the pulpit....I did say the word "dammit". I think my self-filterer still needs a little adjusting. To know the context you'll have to listen to the podcast.
-Last night we had a great final Discipleship for Leadership night. I love seeing our leaders getting a hold of what God is doing in and through us together as a church.
-I have been finding it hard to sleep lately. I am more excited about emc and it's future than the day we launched 2 1/2 years ago.
-Emc-ers pray for me as I lead out of the heart and vision of God. I am more excited than ever, but I feel more spiritual attack then ever as well.
-I Love you guys. I am so pleased to be your pastor.
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