Monday, July 28, 2008


What is in a number? I think every church planter if he is honest with himself has numeric goals in mind as he set's out to start the church. I know when I set to out to begin the embassy I didn't have too many numeric targets, but I did have a few.

I knew we needed at least 40 people to launch at the theater. So that was the first goal to go from 8 (Wiseman/Hager's) to a launch team of 40. After we had our public launch, I looked forward to the huge benchmark of averaging 100 people in weekly attendance. That was big because the average church plant in America after 5 years averages 90 people.

It is hard to look at numbers in the summer because attendance drops off considerably. We experienced the same the past two summers and attendance bounced back to pre-summer numbers by September. If that is the case we should be approaching a solid 175 people weekly by September/October.

Numbers are not the goal, but numbers represent people. I am excited to see what God is doing in people's lives. I do believe that we could be reaching 250 people weekly in the next 6-9 months. Is that the goal? No not really. Reaching people for Christ is the goal. The number 250 is just a benchmark as we begin to make inroads into the lives of the unchurched of Cherokee/North Cobb Counties.

Let's dream together, pray together, work together, and look forward together to the great days ahead as God gives us the momentum necessary to do what He is calling us to do!

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