Tuesday, April 24, 2007

EMC-ers become a hero to a young boy in need

Last week in service we looked at the birth of a hero. Each of us have the potential to be heroic. Heroism always is the result of a moment of crisis. There's always a crisis before a breakthrough…An obstacle before an opportunity…A challenge before a discovery…and a fight before a victory.

A hero is born when a crisis is handled in a way that honors God. The massacre at Virgina Tech brought many heroic actions by individuals. One person in particular was Liviu Librescu. Sunday we looked at three lessons from Librescu. Lesson #1 Heroes run into crisis. Lesson #2 Heroes run in to give other's a chance. And Lesson #3 Heroes are never numb to the pain around them.

With all of this in our hearts on Sunday we encouraged the people to give to make a difference in a family going through a difficult situation. Andrew West is a six year old little boy that was diagnosed on January 1st with a brain tumor. It has since been removed and he is now going through a series of chemo that will extend over the next 9 months. His dad Shane and Mom Natalee have faced the worst of all crisis, but together the family is getting through it heroically. We as a church felt that the West family needed a boost in morale so we took up an offering on Sunday for them.

I challenged the people to run into this crisis and make a difference. To do something that would give the West's a chance to get relief. And to not be numb to the pain of a little guy and his family going though hell on earth.

EMC-ers ya'll came through and today Amie, Grant, & I were able to go to the hospital to give them $1,000.00 on behalf of you along with a couple superhero comic books (remember Dru loves Batman). They were very appreciative and so gracious to us. I'm hoping in a few weeks for them to come over to the house and let Dru have a chance at catching a few bass with his new rocket fishing pole Shane got him last week!

Thanks guys for being a hero in this family's life, but more important thank you for showing them the heart of the greatest Hero who ever lived and who lives in you today....Jesus!

Get ready to be a hero again on the weekend of May 4th-6th as we adopt a home in Woodstock to make a difference in. We will be cleaning, painting, doing yard work, preparing a 30 days worth of ready made meals, and other things to show Miss Ann the love of Christ.

Embassy Metro Church I love ya'll you truly are making a difference. Keep being the heroes your families, schools, businesses, and communities need!!!!

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