Monday, November 24, 2008

Follow me to

This will be my last post on Blogger

I began my "Vertical Journey" Blogger site in the spring of 2005. Blogger has served me well. Now I want the little extras that come with WordPress. I will be directing all my traffic from to

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Love My Staff

Momentum Church Lead Team and Spouses
(Left to Right: Jared & Charla Hager Worship/Creative arts : Ross & Amie Wiseman Lead Pastor : Robby & Jamie Nichols Momentum Students : Brantley & Hannah Johnson Momentum Kids)

Christmas Eve Announcement

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"My" Family at "Our" New Home

It was an extremely sunny day. Aubrynn and I are squinting pretty bad (we always are). Our Photographer friend Karen knew it wasn't the best setting, but I really wanted a Brady Bunch picture on our stairs.

Trial Video

Playing around with what has to be the coolest present of all time. My new Casio Exilim S10

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thoughts on the Balance Between Worship and Performance

Every Sunday men and women all over the nation step onto to church stages. They are equipped with guitars, mics, drums and hearts ready to lead those gathered in worship to God. The number one goal obviously is to engage with God in a reciprocating moment of praise,thanksgiving and encouragement. This is the number one goal, but also there should be a sense that those on stage are engaged with the audience. That could fall under the category of performance.

We have all been to concerts before where the band was engaged with the audience. It wasn't just an "us" watching "them" thing. It was an "us", a part of it all thing. Great concerts feel that way. Like you are on the stage with the band, and the band is enjoying the experience as much as if they were in row 3 seat 2. This all culminates in a swirl of emotions and exclamations of life impacting memories. How trivial all I'm talking about is just a performance by your favorite band. Think how amazing the Coldplay concert was just last week here in Atlanta.(I didn't make it to the concert, but everybody said it was off the chain) Shouldn't our worship experiences be just as engaging?

I think a quality worship experience at church should have a similar and engaging vibe.
We're dealing with this right now at Momentum. On one hand you want to be sure that what is done on stage comes across as worship to God not performance to an audience. On the other hand there should be a sense that the band is engaged with each other and the audience as well as with God. This produces an "experiencing this together" vibe that only comes when those on stage are engaged with those in the seats. If that doesn't happen it comes off a little 2-dimensional.

I pray that as we grow our band's passion to connect with God will increase. Also I pray that our bands ability to engage they're environment will become palpable. Why? Not so we can leave having just a cool memory or swirl of emotions, but so that we can leave forever impacted by our connection together with God in a slice of time.

Sunday Remix 11-16-08

-Amie & I Started the day off by going to the 9am service at my friend Gary Lamb's church in Canton. Revolution was great. Seems like every time I have visited, Gary's been preaching on sex. Great teaching bro, but what's with the preaching barefoot thing. Gary my friend, you are one of a kind.

-I didn't preach this Sunday. Our Jump Start (K-5th grade) Team Leader brought the teaching for the day. Great job Brantley! With Brantley speaking I was able to visit Revolution and then come back to Momentum as a spectator.

-Some thoughts I had as I came back to Momentum Church from Revolution: Revolution is an amazing ministry held in high esteem by just about every serious student of church planting in the nation. Obviously they are doing a great deal right. As Gary says they do "the little things" right.

To pat Momentum on the back I will say this. When I left Revolution Church I wondered how I would feel walking back into Momentum Church. Just a few minutes later. Would there be a huge contrast in quality, vibe, excellence. etc...I was so freakin proud of our teams and what we have put together in Woodstock. Although each ministry is very unique to itself, I didn't feel a huge contrast between the ministries. Obviously we have a lot of little things to step up. On the other hand it was good for me to realize in such a vivid way that our grass is pretty dang green on this side of the fence. The experience deepened my appreciation for Gary, Revolution, but mostly for Momentum Church and what those who call MC home have accomplished! Great Job team!!

-I am always looking to learn from others a few steps ahead of us. This weekend made me realize no wonder we get calls weekly for advice and insight from those whom we are a few steps ahead of. Isn't that how it should be. We are all on the same team. I know I will continue to look, listen, and learn from other ministries. If we can be of help to anyone else we are at your disposal.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christmas in Woodstock

I can't wait until Sunday to let Momentum Church know what are plans are for Christmas Eve.

We have never done a Christmas Eve event. We are strong proponents that just because everyone else is doing something doesn't mean we have to.

There are a lot of great churches in Woodstock doing a lot of great events on Dec. 24th So we have always pushed the need to offer yet another similar event onto the back burner.

This year as we talked about reaching our community during the Christmas
Season an incredible idea came and yes the 24th will be a perfect opportunity for it.

On Sunday I will let you in on what we believe will be one of the greatest events we have ever done for the people of Woodstock.

...before you start trying to guess, NO we are not throwing elves out of a helicopter.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday Remix 11-9-08

-I can't believe the second Sunday of November has already passed. This has been the fastest year of my life.

-This Sunday went great. Jimmy's set up crew was operating at Mach 2 and did a great job with everything. Nice work gentlemen.

-Jared was leading worship and doing some mentoring at a church in Savannah. I heard he did an awesome job. Josh and the band did a great job with leading worship here at home. It feels good to know that a major contributor to the success of our Sundays can be gone and his teams (sound/tech/music)can still pull out a win for the day.

-Speaking of a win, we saw 4 adults and several children chose to follow Christ today! I know several of their stories and it is awesome to see God moving in their lives.

-I preached on the subject of striving for spiritual maturity. We have been and will always be a great place for the unchurched to connect with God. I am also glad that we are becoming a place passionate about personal & spiritual growth.

-Gas is down to 1.99! My gas sucking Dodge truck is much happier.

-We are seeing our church finances getting better. Mad props to everyone who has stepped up in giving. I know it is a challenge, but God's promises regarding finances are true. God will bless the generous heart and He will bless the generous church.

-We are planning on doing our first Christmas Eve event. We still have a few details to work out. If all goes as planned it should be an incredible night for the city of Woodstock. Start praying for this night...right now.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008