Wednesday, January 03, 2007

So high, so low, so what!

You know a couple of posts ago I was saying that my truck is like Count Dracula to the blood supply of my wallet, but why focus on the negative. Last year was amazing so who cares!!! I think I have developed a case of negativitis. The desire to scratch at the quarter sized spot of what's wrong in my life has kept me distracted at times from seeing all that's right.

My kids blow me away with their personalities and growing abilities, my wife can't keep her hands off of me (I'm serious, Ha! HA!), my understanding of walking through life dependent on God and seeing Him come through over and over again. Life really is good.

So this year I am committing myself to look more at the positive than the negative, at what's right than what's wrong, at what is than what isn't. This year I will discipline my speech and thoughts to filter everything through eyes of faith, hope, and love.

I guess I just made a resolution....darn I wasn't going to make one of those this what! Now I need to live it.

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