Tuesday, November 21, 2006

K2 Series Comes to A Close

This past Sunday was wild. It started off with Jared's voice nearly gone and my sinuses a mess (I still can't hear after 16 days)
Then the bulletins didn't get brought and the boxes that contain our kid's check in system were left as well. Both of these items were realized at 20 minutes til the hour. So Fred ran to the two different houses to get the stuff and got back just in time for service to start. While he was gone I was trying to talk to Todd our head of guest services and Pastor Robby. With my ear the way it has been and the left side of my face numb from the medicine I have been on (not sure why the side affect) I am talking like a drunk man. I couldn't articulate or keep a train of thought to save my life. The guys were gracious and didn't laugh at me.....thanks. Robby asks if I am ok. I'm like no pray for me and they did.

I went into the service in a fog. This is not how I wanted the K2 series to end because it has been so great. Well God definitely got involved and we had an amazing day. We shared how at the end of an expedition or a day of hiking you get back to the campsite and that at the campsite stories are shared. Gathered around a campfire with friends you begin to share your victories, explain your discoveries, and voice your questions and concerns about life. To me that sounds like the environment that a church should be . So to close out our K2 Series we worshipped together and we opened the floor up to hear what God is doing in people's lives. This is always risky, but it was well worth it. Often things at church are just too sanitized so Sunday we gathered around the campfire and told our stories. The set was great as we sat in camp chairs in front of a tent and fire pit.

It was awesome hearing your stories of finding healing, acceptance, and miraculous provisions while on your expedition of life. The take away for the day came out of Peter and John's story where they were charged to not use Christ's name anymore, but they said "how can we keep quiet about what we have seen and heard" Acts 4:20. In other words they had seen too much on their journey with Christ to keep quiet about it. I challenged us to live our lives in pursuit of God and what God had created us to do and be. Living a life like that will always give you a story to tell because God will meet you on the trail of life and He will change you forever. My take away was this: Live your life in such away that you will have a story to tell.

When church was over we went to Faith Family Church on Bells Ferry Rd. where we baptized 5 people!!! We then had a great dinner together to celebrate the past 6 week adventure we experienced during the K2 series. Later that night I got a call from a couple on our worship team. Their daughter made the decision to follow Christ and that evening mom and dad prayed with her as she asked Jesus to come into her life!!!! Man what a day...it sure did start out rough, but God really had his hand on the whole day. It's so good to know that it's not up to us to make everything come together, but truly He is strongest when we are at our weakest. Thanks God for all you are doing with my friends at the embassy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is Awesome! It is definitely an incredible journey!