Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Sunday Night: Something to Celebrate

For the past month we have been in a series called "Goin all in" The culmination of the month series took place Sunday night at our house. We encouraged people for three weeks that if you feel like the embassy is home and you want to be a part of the team then come out for a night of meet & greet and get some insider info on where we are heading. In a sense we wanted to see whose committed. I dislike the idea of membership because often it becomes a "yeah my names on a roll" thing, but there is no passion. I want a team spirit at emc. When you're on a team it's all about passion. You don't have to tell a kid twice to get in the game and go for a goal. When he is called off the bench intrinsically there is motivation to join the others and go for a win. That's the culture I want at the embassy and that's the culture that is developing!!! Go Team (OK that was a little corny.....forgive me as I adjust my pencil protector and put a little tape on my glasses. Anyhoo....

The past three weeks we promoted Sunday night by saying that we are looking for those who are ready to "go all in": people who are seeking God, finding a place to serve, and desire to give faithfully. Well to my awe and amazement we had over 70 people crammed into my house!!!! What a night of hanging out with people who get what we are doing and desire to be a part of it.

To everyone that was there thank you for giving me the great priviledge of being your pastor. Amie and I are loving doing life with you all, and it's great to be on the same team. I truly believe Sunday will be considered a historic night in the life of our church. Many of us will look back in years to come and be able to say, I was there that night at ross & amie's. All praise goes to God because His word says...."He is faithful to complete every work He begins". Thanks for going all in and making embassy the church that it's becoming.

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