Saturday, August 05, 2006

Hey Jared, "What did you think about the Summer Beach Party?"

"It was great!"

Last Sunday we concluded our July Series with a Summer Beach Party. We had a great time getting to know the people we see around the embassy week to week. It was also great getting to meet several new peopl who came for the first time not knowing we had a special event planned.

This has been an amazing month for us at emc. We have gained momentum this summer and can feel a real sense of buzz about what is going on and what God is doing at the embassy. The past two weeks have been two of the highest weeks we've experienced in attendance other than Easter. We broke the 100 mark in attendance this past week which is a huge milestone in a church's history. You know I'm not about numbers, but numbers represent people and we had a great group of people last week.

So to all who work to make each week possible thank you. Take a moment to pat your self on the back and tell yourself you're doing a good job. Ok now that's long enough..... there are still many in our communities that need the hope of Christ. Let's continue to live for Him before those we do life with, and provide a church environment that relates to the irreligious and church burnt people of Cherokee and Cobb County!

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