Monday, December 11, 2006

Random Thoughts.....

The past two Sundays were rough on set up. Two weeks ago the theater didn't get unlocked for us and we started set up 40 minutes late. The crew that was on for that week rocked and we only started 8 minutes late. Great effort team emc! This week the crew that was on was only about half the guys (holidays and all...things happen) and then we had tech difficulties. We started at least 15 minutes late. we haven't done that in a long time. Even with the difficulties both weeks of our series Christmas at the Movies went great!

Last week we used clips from Christmas Vacation and The Christmas Story and we reminded ourselves that often we experience unmet expectations because we look more at what isn't than what is. We also looked at a few ways we handle unmet expectations. This week we used clips from the Grinch as we examined what in life causes us to have "Missing Peace". we saw that Jesus came looking for us telling us that His peace he offers to us. Christmas is the celebration that Jesus came looking for us. He is Immanuel...."God with us" He is the missing peace and we need to remind ourselves that He is Immanuel which directly tranlated is Immanent within you....God" No matter what is lacking in your life remember immanent within you is God. He is the "Missing Peace".

The past two weeks we have had church planters checking out what we are doing. When you are on the inside of something you are always critiquing, evaluating, and trying to improve what you are doing. This is necessary, but at times it makes you miss what you have already. Having these guys in really made me realize what an amazing place the embassy has become in just a year. Every one at emc you should be proud of yourselves. Your hard work, dedication, and finances have provided and environment where many are finally connecting with their creator! We had people come to Christ in both the last two Sundays!

Ear report: Still can't hear speech, but percussive sounds are registering. I believe the Tsunami in my inner ear is subsiding. Thanks for your prayers and patience (I know you all are hating me saying "say that again")

More random thoughts: It was great having my mom and dad in for a brief visit and some of you may have noticed I was wearing a tie sunday (that was for momma) ha! she isn't to sure about this whole blue jean wearing theater church thing so I thought I would throw a tie on to make her happy.

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