Friday, October 17, 2008

Thoughts on Momentum Church Leaders

Today I am reflecting on all those who serve at Momentum Church. We have a great force of volunteers and I appreciate each of you. I really want to take a moment though and thank all those who serve in leadership. Our lead team: Jared, Robby, and Brantley have been knocking it out of the park lately. Although we have a great lead team it's our support leaders over the various areas of ministry that have been blowing my mind.

Thank you for your creativity, innovation, ownership, and administration. I really believe that God is blessing your efforts and those efforts are the reason why we are experiencing growth. Thank you for giving me the peace of mind that as we grow we have a an awesome team that is partnering together to accomplish the purpose of Momentum Church.

Team Momentum you have what it takes...and you are getting it done!!!

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