Friday, March 09, 2007

Great weekend at the embassy!

This past weekend was absolutely amazing. We partnered with our city and the YMCA and helped with the 24 hour adventure race on Saturday and no I didn't participate in the race. It's 80 miles of running, biking, and canoing and the participants were crazy in shape. Maybe next year we'll enter Team EMC Extreme. When I say we... I mean you...any volunteers? Everyone that served during this event has been at the embassy for less than a few months. So it was neat seeing new people jumping in and doing their part to show people that they matter to God. One family we met Saturday visited Sunday and they loved it. Thanks team for taking part in this event that in someway will make a difference in this family's life forever.

On Sunday we dedicated 8 children to the Lord. One family e-mailed this about what emc meant to them that day..."You really given my husband and I the drive to start again with the Lord and continue our journey." Team emc thanks for all you do creating the environment God uses to reach people every week! That's what it is about let's never forget that. By the way we also had record breaking attendance on Sunday. We say it's not about the numbers and it's not, but it sure is about people and having 8 kids dedicated and a room well on it's way to becoming full touches me powerfully. Why because people's lives are coming into contact with God, His Word, and His people and their future and heritages are being impacted for ever!!!

Final thing Monday night was our creative design team night. These folks were off the hizzy fo shizzy my peeps. No really we were looking at our Easter experience and the series for the month of April. And it is going to be the biggest thing we have ever done. Frankly we could use some extra finances to make it happen so if you feel led to help us help people "embrace the hero within" so that they can see their lives, homes, and communities change by the power of the Ultimate Hero. Just let me know.

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