Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Don't Pay the Ransom!

I have broken free from my hostages and have escaped unscathed. I trust nobody paid the ransom....wait you mean you didn't even try to pay the ransom. I see, I am awol from the blogging community and nobody even noticed. For two months I have not been active in the exchange of thoughts via this wonderful media and NOBODY N-O-T-I-C-E-D. Hey you know what It's ok....tear...whimper.....get yourself composed man what's wrong with you? I'm back and will continue to lay out my thoughts for all to see right here, same place, same local station.

The past two months have been very busy as the embassy gears up for our January 8th launch at the theater. We have had new people come to our gatherings on a weekly basis. It's amazing watching God put embassy metro church together. Let me give a shout out to everyone who is part of the embassy metro church family. I am loving being your pastor!! Let me also throw thanks out to everyone who has helped out with finances, prayer, and labor of love. What we are endeavoring to do for God would not be possible without your involvment. Thank you for making it a joy to serve you while I am striving to serve God.

Well even though you didn't pay my ransom I can say a big thanks to Jesus who paid the price for me so that I could live the greatest adventure possible. None of us have to be hostage to sin, or to lives separated from God's purpose. Through Jesus we can live and be free to experience His best for our lives!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

We did notice you hadn't wrote anything new for a longgggggggggg time, but we figured you were busy and wrote it off to that. Glad to hear things are on target for January!

Bruce & Leigh

Anonymous said...

Pastor Ross:

I checked at least 4-5 times to see if you had blossed lately, but you had not. I just thought you were busy with the planning of the new church and gave you space. Nice to have you back.

Love ya kiddo and God Bless,

Ruthann & Gary Kula

Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor Ross,
Can you please post the link to EMC's website on your blog? My computer crashed and I don't have the old bookmarked sites any longer. Thanks!